WordPress Backup Service & Plugin
myRepono is an online website backup service which enables you to securely backup your WordPress web site files and mySQL database tables using an online and web-based management system.
The myRepono online website backup service allows you to automate the process of backing up your entire WordPress web site and database, including all post, comments and user data, and your WordPress PHP, template and plugin files.
We provide an easy-to-install WordPress plugin which automates the myRepono API set-up and configuration process, enabling you to setup automated and remote WordPress backups in a matter of seconds.
Once you have installed the myRepono WordPress Backup Plugin you can manage the backups for all your other software and databases using myRepono's online backup management tools.
myRepono Website Backup Service
myRepono is compatible with all web site software and mySQL databases and can be used to backup any content management system or web site management system including WordPress, Drupal, ExpressionEngine, Joomla, phpBB, vBulletin, OpenCrypt, OpenAds or any other popular web site software.
Our backup systems are extremely secure, utilising 256-Bit encryption and AES encryption methods which are approved for use by US Government and Military. We frequently audit our systems and our backup API to ensure they are 100% secure, and PCI-DSS compliant.
Our online and web-based backup management system gives you complete control of your backups, enabling you to manage backups for as many WordPress installations, web sites and servers as you require. The backup management system allows you to specify how frequently each of your sites should be backed up, how many backups you would like to store, and exactly what files and mySQL database tables you would like to backup.
At any time you can login to the myRepono online backup management system to view, download and restore your backups using easy-to-use web-based management and backup restoration tools.
Want To Know More?
For more detailed information regarding the myRepono website backup service, please take a look at our Product Tour, Frequently Asked Questions, or contact us.
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Features and Benefits
Backup unlimited WordPress installations, including all files and database data.
Backup unlimited individual files or complete folders using web-based file management tools.
Backup individual mySQL tables or complete mySQL databases.
Files are encrypted, transmitted and stored securely using up to 256-Bit encryption.
Restore files individually or on mass from your backups at any time.
Backups are compressed to as little as 10% of their original size.
All management is controlled with web-based tool which can be accessed with any web-enabled device.
With a single account you can backup an unlimited number of websites.
Fast and friendly online technical support available to assist you with all your questions.
Compatible with 99% of web servers and hosting companies.
Free Trial
For a limited time we are offering all new customers a free trial of the myRepono web site backup service.
Sign-Up Now!