Information You Give To Us
We do not require visitors to provide any information to view the public parts of our web site.
Personally Identifiable Information
If you choose to sign-up for myRepono membership, we'll ask you to provide your email address.
We will NOT disclose, sell or exchange your personally identifiable information to or with anyone, without your specific permission, except when we believe disclosure is absolutely necessary to: (1) comply with the law or legal process; (2) protect or defend the rights or property of myRepono (NullApps LLC) or others; (3) enforce this Agreement; or (4) respond to claims that the contents of any communications violate the rights of others.
Email Addresses
Registered members do not have access to the email addresses of other members as stored in our membership database. Under no circumstances will your email address be given to any third-party organisation, it will only ever be used by us to contact you from a email address regarding this web site. You have the option to un-subscribe from all automated emails sent by our systems.
Other Information Gathered
Our web servers automatically gather information about all visitors. Such information is only used for statistical analysis to assess usage statistics and other information so that we may design our web site to better suit all our users. This information may be used if we think it is in relation to any attempts to harm, hack or illegally gain access to our data. The only data we gather which can be used to identify you is your IP address, the IP address can only be used to identify you if we involve the police who in turn contact your internet service provider - this applies to any web site you visit on the internet! We will use your IP address to determine what country your are located in, this is solely done so we can automatically select a payment currency which we think is more appropriate to your country, for example we will select British Pounds Sterling if you are located in the United Kingdom. The country we detect is based on the registration for your IP address so this may not be accurate if you are using an ISP located in another country or if you are using a proxy.
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When making payments to myRepono you have the option to pay via PayPal or credit/debit card. If paying by PayPal we have no access to your payment details other than your PayPal account email address, your PayPal account email address will be stored in relation to your payment invoice but will not be used for any purpose than to identify in our records which account made the payment.
If submitting a credit/debit card payment you will have the option to choose whether we store your card details. If you do not choose to have us store your card details we will ensure the details are not stored once the payment is processed. Your card details will be parsed to our payment processor for processing. Both ourselves and our payment processor have been thoroughly audited in accordance with PCI-DSS standards.
If you choose to allow us to store your card details we will encrypt all sensitive details, we will not store your CVV/security code which means we can not charge the card again. When you return to the site to submit a new payment the details will be masked and you will be required to enter your CVV/security code to authorise a new payment. When available we use 3D secure checks (such as Verified by Visa).
Stored Data
All stored data such as your backups are treated with the strictest confidentiality. All backup files are stored in encrypted form which only our highest levels of staff can decrypt. We will not decrypt your data except if we have strong evidence which leads us to believe you are in breach of United Kingdom or United States law, we are required to do this as we are ultimately liable for the data we store. If this is the case, we will take an extremely cautious approach when viewing your data and will only view a small number of files, if we can not quickly establish your data is in breach of law then we will discontinue our investigation.
If we feel it is necessary, we will involve relevant legal departments such as a local police force to be present during the data review. We have extremely strict conditions which must be met before we initiate a data review which means it is very rare that we will review any data.
Any and all information and/or data we collect is held under the rules and regulations of the UK Data Protection Act.