Payment Refund Policy
All payments to myRepono (NullApps LLC) made by credit/debit card or PayPal are non-refundable.
Any attempt to chargeback or cancel a payment which has been completed will result in your account being closed.
In the case of PayPal payments, if a PayPal dispute or claim is opened your account will be disabled until the case has been resolved. If the case results in your funds being returned, your account will be closed.
If a chargeback or claim results in your balance becoming a negative balance, we will take legal action to retrieve the negative balance and may involve a debt collection agency in your local area.
We have a strict no refunds policy, dealing with chargebacks and claims is a time-consuming process, if you are not sure what you are purchasing please do not make a payment and please contact us to clarify any questions you may have.
By submitting any payment to myRepono (NullApps LLC) you indicate you understand and agree to the above terms and conditions.
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Account Balance Transfers
You may at any time request your account balance is transferred to another account which has the same account currency.
This means for example, if you hold your funds in a US Dollar account, the funds can only be transferred to another US Dollar account. Balances can not be transferred between currencies.
You may request a maximum of one balance transfer per month and the balance being transferred must exceeed $5 USD, £5 GBP or €5 EUR as applicable.
Balance transfers apply to the whole balance in it's entirety. We will not transfer a portion of a balance.
To request an account balance transfer, please contact us.