myRepono - Website & mySQL Database Backup Service
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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ >> Overview



The 'Overview' section provides a summary of your myRepono account, including details of your domains, account balance, affiliate commissions and of course, your backups.
In the main content area you will see your domains listed alongside 'quick links' to jump to the 'Files', 'Databases', 'Settings' and 'Backups' sections for each domain. These sections enable you to perform the following actions:
Files - Select which files you would like to backup.
Databases - Select which databases and tables you would like to backup.
Settings - Configure your backup settings and domain profiles.
Backups - View all backups for this domain.
To the left of each domain you will see one of the following icons:
Domain Backups are Active This means the domain backups are active.
Domain Backups are Paused This means the domain backups are paused.
Latest Backup Failed This means the latest backup for this domain failed.

You will also see one of the following icons:
API is Working Correctly This means the API is installed and is working correctly.
API is Not Working Correctly This means the API is not installed or is not working correctly.

If you have added more than 5 domains then a 'pages' option will be displayed allowing you to navigate your domains showing 5 domains on each page.
Below your domains you will see a list of your latest backups, simply select a backup timestamp to view details of that backup.
On the right of the 'Overview' section you will see a summary of your account balance including an option to top-up your account balance. Below your billing summary you will be shown a summary of the total backups stored, followed by a summary of your affiliate account including your affiliate URL and commission statistics.

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