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FAQ >> Account: Password

Account: Password

Account: Password

The account password section enables you to change the password you use to login to your myRepono account.
To change your password simply complete the 'Current Password' field with your existing/current password, then enter your new password in the 'New Password' field and enter the same password again in the 'Confirm Password' field to verify you have entered your password correctly. Alternatively you can select the 'Generate Password' option to generate a random password.
When entering your own password or using the 'Generate Password' feature the 'Password Strength' indicator will be updated to advise whether your password is secure. A strength of 'Strong' or 'Very Strong' is recommended, this can be achieved by using a 8 to 12 character password with a variety of different uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers.
Once you have completed the form simply select the 'Set Password' option to complete the password change. Once done your new password will be saved and should be used when you next log-in.

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