FAQ >> Search
- Account: Password
Account: Password
The account password section enables you to change the password you use to login to your myRepono accou...
- API Configuration & Customisation (v2.2, v2.3)
Note, most users do not need to read this article and customise the API. These settings are for advanced configur...
- API Configuration & Customisation (v2.0, v2.1)
Note, most users do not need to read this article and customise the API. These settings are for advanced configur...
- Domains: API: Configure FTP Backups
Configure FTP Backups
The myRepono system uses FTP as a fail-over transfer method, this means if a file can not be backed...
- API Configuration & Customisation (v1.8, v1.9)
Note, most users do not need to read this article and customise the API. These settings are for advanced configur...
- Connect Plugin
Connect Plugin: Permissions
We provide plugins for third-party software which integrate with the myRepono website backu...
- API Configuration & Customisation (v1.6, 1.7)
Note, most users do not need to read this article and customise the API. These settings are for advanced configur...
- API Configuration & Customisation (v1.5)
Note, most users do not need to read this article and customise the API. These settings are for advanced configur...
- API Configuration & Customisation (v1.4)
Note, most users do not need to read this article and customise the API. These settings are for advanced configur...
- API Configuration & Customisation (v1.3)
Note, most users do not need to read this article and customise the API. These settings are for advanced configur...
- How are my FTP details secured?
If you configure FTP backups then we will store your FTP login details. We treat your FTP details with the strictest security....
- API Configuration & Customisation (v1.0, 1.1, 1.2)
Note, most users do not need to read this article and customise the API. These settings are for advanced configur...
- Backups: Restore Backup: Manual Restoration
Whilst myRepono provides a powerful automatic backup restoration system it is also possible to manually restore your backups.
- Definitions: API, PHP, FTP, mySQL and more.
The myRepono.com website includes a range of technical terms and acronyms such as API, PHP or mySQL. Below you will find a seri...
- Account: Remove
Account: Remove Account
The account remove section enables you to remove your myRepono account at any time.
To r...
- Domains: API
myRepono uses an API to organise and manage backups, this means we need to install a small, simple and secure program on your we...
- Getting Started Guide
If you haven't already done so, please sign-up to the myRepono web site backup service. Once you have an account, please log-in...
- How secure is the backup process?
In order to retrieve backup files from your server our system and your API must go through a strict chain of requests to authent...
- Changing Web Hosting Accounts
If you have moved your website from one web hosting account to another then you will likely need to update your backups configur...
- Firewall, Proxy & Caching Servers/Software
If your web server uses a firewall, proxy or caching server/software then this may interfere with the behaviour of your myRepono...
- Understanding Backup Filesize Fluctuations
Your backup filesize will vary depending on the data you are backing up, therefore if the data you have selected for backup incr...
- Opening ZIP Files Generated by myRepono
myRepono uses ZIP files to organise your backup data. ZIP files are single files which can contain multiple files, they enable...
- Backups: Recover Deleted Backups
Backups: Recover Deleted Backups
When you delete a backup from your myRepono account or when a backup is automatically dele...
- WordPress Multisite/Network Backup
The myRepono WordPress Backup Plugin is compatible with WordPress Multisite/Network installations, and will enable you to backup...
- Failed Backup Errors and Trouble-Shooting
Each time a backup fails you will be sent a 'Failed Backup Notification' via email, unless you have disabled these via the 'Acco...
- Backups: Restore Backup: Path Changes
The restoration path changes feature is a search and replace process which is used for all file paths during the restoration pro...
- AJAX Loading Trouble-Shooting
AJAX means asynchronous JavaScript and XML and is a term used to refer to a web development technique. With AJAX, web applicati...
- API Extension: CURL Extension Emulation Library
The CURL Extension Emulation Library is used as an Extension for the myRepono Backup API, when the CURL Extension Emulation Libr...
- Billing: Overview
Billing: Overview
The billing overview section provides a summary of your billing charges, reports, invoices and pricing,...
- Backups: Restore Backup
The myRepono restoration system allows you to select individual files or complete backups to be restored to your website, this m...
- How are mySQL database backups generated?
myRepono generates your database backups as '.sql' files, the myRepono API creates these SQL files in your API data directory an...
- Customer Support & Messaging Notes
We provide comprehensive support to all users, free of charge.
If you have any questions, comments or feedback about my...
- WordPress Backup Plugin Installation Instructions
WordPress Backup Plugin
The myRepono WordPress Backup Plugin integrates directly with WordPress to provide integration wi...
- Billing: Reports
Billing: View Report
The billing reports section allows you to view billing transaction reports which show all charges fo...
- Billing: Invoices
Billing: View Invoice
The billing invoices section allows you to view and download your top-up payment invoices.
- Backups: Download Combined Backup
Backups: Download Combined Backup
The download combined backup section allows you to download all your backup packets in...
- Backups: Download Backup
Backups: Download Backup Packets
The download backup section allows you to view and download your backup packets. Each b...
- Backups: View Backup File Tree
Backups: View Backup File Tree
The view backup file tree section allows you to view and navigate your backup files using...
- Backups: View Backup
Backups: View Backup Packets
The view backup section allows you to view and navigate your backup packets. Each backup is...
- Backups: Archive Backup
Backups: Archive Backup
The archive backup section allows you to select backups which you would like the system to archiv...
- Backups: Delete Backup
Backups: Delete
The backup delete section allows you to delete/remove your backup.
To delete your backup, simply...
- Affiliate Commissions & Payments
When you refer a user who in-turn makes a top-up payment to their myRepono account, you receive 10% of their top-up payment.
- Backups
The 'Backups' section provides an overview of all your backups. In the main content area you will see your back...
- Domains: Add Domain
Add Domain Form
Upon log-in to myRepono you will be shown the 'Add New Domain' form (users who have already added a domai...
- Account: Register Account Owner
Account: Register Account Owner
The account register account owner section enables you to provide us with contact informa...
- Account: Email Address
Account: Email Address
The account email section enables you to update the email address your myRepono account is registe...
- Account: Notifications
Account: Notifications
The account notifications section enables you to control what email notifications myRepono can sen...
- API Installation Errors and Trouble-Shooting
If your myRepono API does not respond correctly, please try visiting your API URL using your web browser. The API should return...
- Domains: Delete
Domains: Delete
The domains delete section allows you to remove your domain, along with all associated backups and data.
- Domains: Settings
Domains: Settings
To activate your backups and begin backing up your selected data simply update the 'Status' option to b...
- Domains: Databases
The domain databases section allows you to add databases to be backed up, and enables you to select to backup the complete dat...
- Domains: Files
Domains: Files
The domain files section shows you the files on your web site/domain which myRepono can backup, the file...
- Domains: Settings: Domain Profiles
When updating your domain settings you have the option to add up to 10 domain profiles.
Settings: Domain Profiles
- Is the backup process security suitable for credit card data?
Yes, the myRepono backup encryption and transfer process provide ample security for credit card data and are in compliance with...
- Free Restoration Data Transfer Balance
Your 'Free Restoration Data Transfer Balance' is the amount of data you can restore free of charge. For example, your 'Free Res...
- Domains: Overview
Domains: Overview
Once you have selected a domain to view you will be taken to the 'domain overview' page. The domain ov...
- Domains
The 'Domains' section provides an overview of all your domains. In the main content area you will see your domains listed alongs...
- Overview
The 'Overview' section provides a summary of your myRepono account, including details of your domains, account...
- Understanding & estimating your backup costs [redirect]
If you are not redirected automatically, please click here....
- Why should I worry about backing up my website?
One web site is being hacked every 5 seconds, that's over 16,000 per day and over 5.8 million websites per year! This doesn't j...
- Can I re-sell the myRepono service to my customers?
Yes, we offer co-branding opportunities and white-label versions of the myRepono website backup service.
For more infor...
- How are referrals tracked and how long are my referrals tracked for?
All affiliates are given a referral URL which is used to refer new users to the myRepono.com website. When a user visits this r...
- Do you offer monthly or unlimited service plans?
We made the decision to use a top-up balance system as opposed to monthly payment plans, this means we can offer highly competit...
- Can I manage my backups for multiple websites with a single myRepono account?
Yes, the myRepono website backup service allows you to add an unlimited number of domains/web sites under a single account, this...
- What are the backup filesize limitations of the myRepono API?
The myRepono Backup API is capable of processing huge quantities of data, however since it is written with PHP it is subject to...
- API Requirements
The myRepono Backup API is designed to be compatible with as many servers as possible. The API is written in PHP and therefore...
- How are payments processed and what security measures are in place?
We accept credit and debit card payments using Stripe, a reputable US-based payment processor. We also accept payments using Pa...
- Where are your servers located?
myRepono's servers are currently located in Hivelocity's state-of-the-art facility in Tampa, Florida (FL), USA.
- Understanding file sizes (Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB)
A byte is a sequence of 8 bits (enough to represent one alphanumeric character) processed as a single unit of information. ...
- How are backups encrypted?
The myRepono API offers support for two encryption methods, by default our own custom encryption algorithm is used for improved...
- How are backups transferred to the myRepono backup servers?
When myRepono initiates a backup it connects to the API installed on your web site to generate the backup. The backup API will...
- Why are the Euro and British Pounds Sterling costs based on the US Dollar cost?
All British Pounds Sterling and Euro costs are calculated using the latest exchange rates for US Dollars. Even though we are a...
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Popular Questions
- Understanding file sizes (Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB)
- Definitions: API, PHP, FTP, mySQL and more.
- WordPress Backup Plugin Installation Instructions
- API Configuration & Customisation (v1.6, 1.7)
- Failed Backup Errors and Trouble-Shooting
- API Configuration & Customisation (v2.2, v2.3)
- Why are the Euro and British Pounds Sterling costs based on the US Dollar cost?
- Backups: Restore Backup
- Getting Started Guide
- WordPress Multisite/Network Backup
- API Configuration & Customisation (v2.0, v2.1)
- API Requirements
- Free Restoration Data Transfer Balance
- Why should I worry about backing up my website?
- How are backups encrypted?