myRepono - Website & mySQL Database Backup Service
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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ >> Domains: Databases

The domain databases section allows you to add databases to be backed up, and enables you to select to backup the complete database, or individual database tables.
To add a new database please complete the 'Add New Database' form. The API installed on your server will be used to connect to the database, so if you would normally use 'localhost' as your database host address then that's what you should enter in the 'Add New Database' form. Please ensure you enter the correct database details and then select the 'Add Database' button.
Domains: Databases

Domains: Databases

Once you have added a database you can select the database from the 'Databases' list. Once you have selected a database you will be shown a list of the database tables included in the database. you can select the 'Select All Tables' option to add the complete database to your backup list, or alternative you may select the green 'plus' icons to add individual database tables to the backup list, you can then select the red 'minus' icons to remove tables.
Please note, if your web hosting does not provide adequate resources you may not be able to backup large database tables. A warning will be shown if we expect this will be an issue. We recommend you select all your database tables, if the system is unable to backup any database tables you will receive an incomplete backup notification or you can view the backup error log when viewing the backup via the myRepono 'Backups' section.
Once you have selected the database tables you would like to backup you can select the 'Settings' tab to move to the domain settings section. For guidance configuration your domain settings, please refer to the Domains: Settings documentation.

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