FAQ >> API Extension: CURL Extension Emulation Library
The CURL Extension Emulation Library is used as an Extension for the myRepono Backup API, when the CURL Extension Emulation Library is installed the myRepono Backup API will use the Emulation Library when making HTTP/HTTPS connections. The CURL Extension Emulation Library is only used by the myRepono Backup API when preferred methods are not available - this extension will not be used unless all other options have failed.
As of version 1.0.9, the myRepono WordPress Backup Plugin includes the CURL Extension Emulation Library by default. This only applies if your API is installed with the myRepono WordPress Backup Plugin, if you have used the manual or automatic API installation tools on myRepono.com then the CURL Extension Emulation Library is not installed.
The CURL Extension Emulation Library provides a pure-PHP implementation of the PHP CURL extension, for use on systems which do not already have the CURL extension installed. It emulates all of the curl_* functions normally provided by the CURL extension itself. The CURL Extension Emulation Library will automatically detect and use the best CURL implementation available on your server.
The files and code included in the CURL Extension Emulation Library ZIP file are part of the CURL Extension Emulation Library (Version 1.0.4) which was developed by Steve Blinch (http://code.blitzaffe.com).
The CURL Extension Emulation Library is provided by myRepono.com for use with the myRepono Backup API, however the CURL Extension Emulation Library was not developed by myRepono (ionix Limited), nor have the files been modified in any way. myRepono has prepared a custom ZIP file to distribute the CURL Extension Emulation Library, the only differences are the inclusion of this file, and the removal of the example.php which is normally included.
CURL Extension Emulation Library License
This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Installation Instructions
The CURL Extension Emulation Library API Extension should only be installed, and will only be used if the API is unable to connect using PHP's standard methods.
1. Download the myRepono Backup API Extension: CURL Extension Emulation Library ZIP file (35KB).
2. Extract the files included in the myrepono-libcurlemu.zip ZIP file.
3. Create a directory called 'libcurlemu' in your myRepono API directory. Your 'libcurlemu' directory should be in the same directory as your 'myrepono.php' API script, and your 'data' API data directory.
4. Upload all .php files included in the ZIP file to your 'libcurlemu' directory.
That's it, the myRepono API will automatically detect the CURL Extension Emulation Library and will load it if the API is unable to connect using a preferred method.
API Compatibility and Support
The CURL Extension Emulation Library API Extension is only supported by version 1.3 and above of the myRepono Backup API, and version 1.0.9 and above of the myRepono WordPress Backup Plugin.
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