myRepono - Website & mySQL Database Backup Service
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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ >> API Requirements

The myRepono Backup API is designed to be compatible with as many servers as possible. The API is written in PHP and therefore your server must be running PHP version 4.2 or above.
The API has been tested on Unix/Linux and Windows web servers, using both the Apache web server software and IIS.
The API must be installed in it's own directory, preferably a directory under the root of your domain called /myrepono/ (e.g. A second API data directory must be created within the API directory, by default this would be called /data/ (e.g. The API (myrepono.php) must be able to create files in the /myrepono/data/ directory, this means the API data directory must be writable (e.g. permissions/CHMOD set to 777 or 755).
The most common issue with the API is caused by permission problems, for example some servers do not allow PHP scripts to access the /cgi-bin/ directory which can prevent the API from accessing and backing up your files in the /cgi-bin/ directory.
The API is self contained and does not require any non-standard PHP functions or additional libraries, though the CURL, OpenSSL and mcrypt PHP libraries are used when available to extend the functionality of the API. The API will work with any standard installation of PHP version 4.2 providing standard features haven't been disabled.
If you wish to use Rijndael 256-Bit encryption for your backup packets then your PHP installation must have the mcrypt library/extension installed along with the appropriate Rijndael cipher. This is not required for the default encryption method.
By default either the 'allow_url_fopen' PHP configuration option must be 'on', or the PHP CURL extension library must be installed. If neither are available we offer a CURL Extension Emulation Library.
Not sure if your server is compatible? Please contact us for a free compatibility test or sign-up to try myRepono!

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