FAQ >> Customer Support & Messaging Notes
We provide comprehensive support to all users, free of charge.
If you have any questions, comments or feedback about myRepono, or if you require assistance installing the myRepono API, WordPress Backup Plugin or using our service, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We are always happy to help and will endeavour to do so as quickly and efficiently as possible.
To contact us, please use the online helpdesk/messaging system at: https://myRepono.com/contact/
Please use the online helpdesk whenever possible, you will receive a priority response and using the helpdesk guarantees your message delivery. If you are unable to use the helpdesk please feel free to email us using the email address, . If using email we can not guarantee we will receive your message due to our intensive junk filtering systems.
Customer support is currently only available in English, if you submit a message in another language we will endeavour to read it using translation tools if possible.
Support Times
The customer helpdesk is monitored from 9am to 8pm (BST) Monday to Friday, and from 10am to 6pm (BST) Saturday to Sunday. We will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible, this may often be within a few minutes though please allow up to 7 days for a response. We can not guarantee we will receive emails, and therefore we can not guarantee a response to emails.
Secure Messaging
If you are logged into myRepono when sending a message, your message will be secured. This means the message can only be viewed when logged into your account, as opposed to being available using only the unique message identifier. If you are not logged into myRepono when sending a message then your message is still secure, however if your unique message identifier is disclosed then third-parties may view the message without logging into your account. Your unique message identifier is only displayed to you when sending a message and in your new message notification emails.
The helpdesk will indicate whether or not your message is secured.
You may attach up to 3 files to any message, please do not attach large files in excess of 2MB. The attachments feature is intended for exchanging error log files, and copies of the API, please do not attach files which are unassociated to myRepono. If we have security concerns we may delete attachments without viewing them.
Our attachments archive is periodically emptied, as such any attachments sent over 1 month ago may no longer be available. Please feel free to re-request any attachment which is no longer available.
Message Status
When you send a new message to us it has a 'Pending' status until we respond. When we have responded to your message it will have a 'Responded' status. When you add a message to an existing message thread the message will have an 'Open' status. A 'Pending' or 'Open' status indicates the ticket requires our attention. A 'Closed' status indicates the message thread has been closed and is no longer being used, you may re-open a 'Closed' message.
FTP Details
If you are having difficulty with the myRepono API, or if we recommend adjusting your API's configuration, we may request your FTP details so we may assist you.
Many users are happy to provide their FTP login details, in which case we are able to take care of their API installation and configuration without bothering them with technical instructions. This approach is recommended for novice users who are not experienced working with FTP or installing PHP scripts.
If you do not wish to disclose your FTP login details, we fully understand! In this case, simply make us aware and we will provide detailed instructions for you to follow enabling you to perform the same steps we would.
If forwarding FTP login details, please ensure you are logged into myRepono and that your message is a 'secure message'. The helpdesk is only available via the 'HTTPS' SSL protocol ensuring all correspondence is secure.
FTP details are treated with the strictest of confidence and are handled in accordance with the UK Data Protection ACT, your FTP details will not be disclosed beyond the myRepono support staff whom are only able to access your details via the secure myRepono helpdesk management system. Your FTP details will only be used for the purpose of updating/installing/configuring the myRepono API. We will not download any other files from your website, except when we are instructed to do so, and with the exception of known configuration files (such as WordPress's wp-config.php file). In the case of known configuration files we would only download the configuration files if we are installing the API for you, and only for the purpose of identifying your mySQL database details so we may add the databases to your myRepono backup list on your behalf - we will always inform you of any such actions!
API Error Logs
We will often request you forward your API error logs, these are two separate files called 'error.log' and 'error_log' which may be created in your myRepono API directory (it is likely they will not exist, the API will also periodically delete them).
If requested, please download the error log files via FTP and attach them to your helpdesk message. If you would prefer, please feel free to forward your FTP details and we will download the error log files on your behalf.
Messaging Etiquette
Please avoid sending duplicate messages, all messages are answered in due-course. Messages sent via the helpdesk are added to a message thread so you can add additional associated messages, much like an email. We recommend you add a message to your existing message thread whenever possible, though please feel free to open a new message thread for unassociated topics. Please do not open a new message thread regarding a topic which is being discussed in an existing ticket, this is considered a duplicate message and any such messages will be closed when we respond to your first message.
Urgent Restoration Priority
Any messages regarding processing restorations will be prioritised, this means if you are restoring a disrupted website and require assistance, your message will be prioritised.
All messages are stored securely and are treated with the strictest of confidence. All messages and associated data are stored in accordance with the UK Data Protection ACT and our Privacy Policy.
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