myRepono - Website & mySQL Database Backup Service
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14th March 2012

Blog >> API Version 1.7 for Revised Compatibility

The myRepono Backup API has been updated to resolve a compatibility issue introduced in version 1.6. The version 1.6 API uses the PHP function mysql_set_charset() which is only included with PHP 5.2.3 and above, therefore users running earlier PHP versions will be unable to use the default mySQL database backup method which will result in incomplete database backups.

If you are running PHP 5.2.3 or above your API will function as normal and upgrading from version 1.6 to 1.7 is not essential.

It is strongly recommended that all users update their API to version 1.7 using either the manual or automated API installation tools, or users running version 1.4 or above may be able to take advantage of the new API upgrade tool.

New Features & Changes
  • PHP function mysql_set_charset() is no longer required and will only be used when available, mysql_set_charset() is only available in PHP 5.2.3 and above.
  • PHP function mysql_client_encoding() is no longer required and will only be used when available, mysql_client_encoding() is only available in PHP 4.3.0 and above.
  • Change to NULL field value detection for default mySQL database backup method.

For detailed information regarding the configuration options offered by version 1.7 of the API, please refer to the API Configuration & Customisation documentation.

myRepono WordPress Backup Plugin

Users of the myRepono WordPress Backup Plugin can upgrade to version 1.1.7 of the plugin to provoke an automatic upgrade to version 1.7 of the API.

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