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12th April 2013

Blog >> Global WordPress Attack

Hosting providers across the world are reporting wide-spread brute force attacks on WordPress administration panels.
Please ensure you have set secure WordPress administration panel login details to prevent your website from being compromised!
For a basic level of security your password should always meet the following criteria:
  • Minimum 8 characters in length, preferably 10 or more.
  • Contains both capital and lowercase characters.
  • Contains at least 1 numeric character.
  • Does not contain any dictionary words.
  • Is not used for any accounts with third-party websites/services.

For increased security your password should meet the following criteria:
  • Contains at least 3 numbers which are not grouped.
  • Contains at least 2 symbols which are not grouped.
  • Does not contain more than 3 characters which may form part of a word.

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