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11th April 2011

New Feature: Restoration Path Changes

We are pleased to announce the myRepono backup restoration system has been updated to allow for changes to restoration file paths.

Restore Backup: Path Changes

Restore Backup: Path Changes

The restoration path changes feature is a search and replace process which is used for all file paths during the restoration process. This allows you to specify changes to the paths for files you are restoring, allowing you to restore files to new locations.

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7th April 2011

New Features: Backup Now, Revised Backup Queue & Improved Error Reporting

We are pleased to announce a significant update to the myRepono system which includes a new 'Backup Now' option, a revised 'Backup Queue', and new failed backup error reporting features.

Backup Now

Domains: Overview

Domains: Overview

The myRepono system now includes 'Backup Now' buttons, enabling you to provoke an immediate backup without waiting for your next backup to become due.

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29th March 2011

The World's Largest Data Centres

A data centre is a facility used to house computer systems, such as the computer servers we all use to host our websites. If you have a website, then that website is stored on a computer server, in a data centre.

There are now quite a lot of websites (250+ million in fact) and as a result the commercial data centres which host these websites have had to keep pace with the public's ever increasing demand for fast and reliable websites and web hosting. As a result, some of these data centres have now scaled to huge facilities - in one case more than 81 times the size of an Olympic swimming pool!

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23rd March 2011

The World's Coolest Data Centres

A data centre is a facility used to house computer systems, such as the computer servers we all use to host our websites. If you have a website, then that website is stored on a computer server, in a data centre.

There are now quite a lot of websites (250+ million in fact) and as a result the commercial data centres which host these websites have had to keep pace with the public's ever increasing demand for fast and reliable websites and web hosting - and as with all technology, some data centres have gone to great lengths to be the 'coolest' of all the data centres.

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13th March 2011

New Feature: API Debugging Tests

Domains: API: Debug

Domains: API: Debug

We are very pleased to announce the addition of a new API debugging tool which helps users to identify the cause of API errors during the API installation process.
The API debugging tool is designed to identify a range of installation errors and includes specific instructions for resolving common errors such as '404 File Not Found' and '401 Authentication Required' responses.
Once the API is initially installed the API debugging tool can be used to test and identify issues with the your server/PHP configuration which may cause backups to fail. These tests include provoking the API to create and remove files to identify permission issues, going on to detecting compatibility with command-line tools such as 'csplit' and 'mysqldump'.

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