7th May 2012
Blog >> Pricing Changes: 7th May 2012
As the tables above show, we have introduced three new pricing bands for usage over 1 GB, 5 GB and 25 GB, and we have removed the 750 GB pricing band. We have also reduced almost all of the pricing band costs to offer savings up to 20%.
In addition to the pricing band and rate changes we will now move all users with 50 or more active domains to the next pricing band, irrelevant of quantity usage. Users with 100 or more active domains will be moved up two pricing bands, and users with 250 or more active domains will be moved up three pricing bands. Note, each domain must have processed a backup within the past 31 days to be considered active.
This pricing change was implemented with immediate affect on Monday 7th May 2012 at 11:00 BST / 06:00 EDT.
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On 26th May 2012, S.K. posted:"You guys are doing a fantastic job. I don't know why am I not reading about you more often on so called "problogger" blogs. Aren't you like x5-10 cheaper than VaultPress, for example?" |
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