5th March 2011
Blog >> New Features & Automatic Top-Up Payments
In response to customer feedback, we are excited to announce the release of several new features which enhance and improve the myRepono website backup service.
Express Backup Restoration
Express Backup Restoration
The myRepono backup restoration system has been updated to provide an express restoration system.
When using the express restoration system your restorations are processed in the background by our servers, rather than being provoked by your browser - as a result the speed of restorations has been dramatically improved enabling you to restore your backups in a fraction of the time!
Automatic Top-Up Payments & Billing System
Billing: Automatic Top-Up Payments
The 'Billing' system has been updated with a new 'Automatic Top-Up Payments' section, this enables you to setup top-up payments to be processed automatically.
Automatic top-up payments can be scheduled to run monthly, quarterly or annually, automatically topping up your account balance on a set basis. Alternatively the automatic top-up payments can be scheduled to run when your balance reaches a pre-defined amount, so for example you can automatically top-up $5 USD when you balance is less than or equal to $1 USD - ensuring you never run out of credit!
In addition to the new automatic top-up payments section, the standard top-up system has been updated to provide credit/debit card payment processing without using PayPal. The top-up systems also allow you to save your card details making future top-ups extremely quick and easy.
Page Load Speed Improvements
The myRepono website and backup management system have been fastidiously tweaked and fine-tuned to ensure they load as quickly as possible, dramatically enhancing and improving the user experience!
Notable changes include the new 'Domains' pages system with AJAX API status indexing. Previously the system would index and cache the status of your APIs when loading the 'Overview' or 'Domains' sections, for users with a large number of domains this was proving problematic and was causing slow page load times. In response we have designed an AJAX API status indexing system which retrieves the status of your APIs after loading the page, this drastically improves page loading times.
Domain Profiles: Select Files & Database Tables
Settings: Domain Profiles: Database Tables
The new 'Domain Profiles' system has been updated to enable you to create domain profiles which either backup your 'Files & Databases', your 'Files' only, or your 'Databases' only.
This functionality even enables you to select specific database tables, allowing you to setup individual profiles to backup specific database tables more frequently than your default profile would.
Revised Backups & Billing Sections
The 'Backups' and 'Billing' sections have been updated with an improved navigation system, in addition the 'Billing' -> 'Reports' section has been updated to enable users to print reports and to download reports in PDF format.
The 'Billing' -> 'Invoices' section has also received a number of improvements and a new payment card management system has been added to aid the management of saved payment card details.
FTP Backups Re-Introduced
The FTP backups feature has been re-introduced to facilitate the backup of files over 2GB in size, this is only used on 32-bit systems which do not permit PHP to open files which are larger than 2GB, or for the download of files which PHP is unable to open. All users will receive an automated failed backup notification if they need to configure FTP backups. FTP backups are now only supported when using API version 1.3 (or above).
Get in touch!
These new features have been added in response to user feedback, if you have any comments or feedback about the myRepono website backup service, please get in touch!
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