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2nd July 2012

Blog >> Competition: $100 Free Credit Competition Winners

Thank you to everyone who entered our free credit competition!

We are extremely happy to announce the three competition winners have now been selected at random and notified, and their account balances have been updated with free credit top-ups of $100, $50 or $25 USD based on the order the three winners were selected.

Competition Winners

1st Prize, $100 USD:

Steven Mirandar,

2nd Prize, $50 USD:

Sanjay, lankasri Ltd.

3rd Prize, $25 USD:

Opted to remain anonymous.

Thank you again to all of you who entered our competition! Please follow myRepono on Twitter or subscribe to our RSS Feed to stay up-to-date with all our future competitions, and we hope you will join us in celebrating myRepono's 2nd Birthday on the 14th November 2012!

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