myRepono - Website & mySQL Database Backup Service
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3rd August 2016

Blog >> System Migration: Wednesday 3rd August 2016

This migration process has now been completed!

We will be migrating the myRepono system to new hardware in a new data centre on, Wednesday 3rd August 2016.

We expect this process to begin at 9am BST/4am EDT, at which point all backup processing will be paused, at 10am BST/5am EDT the myRepono system will be taken offline to enable us to complete the final synchronisation between the new and old hardware, this will likely take around 1 hour to complete at which point the myRepono system will be brought back online.

DNS Delays

Whilst we will be ensuring our DNS is updated promptly, it is unlikely that all of the internet will adhere to these changes as quickly as we would like. In our experience, despite us setting correct DNS refresh times, some ISPs and hosting providers will fail to correctly refresh their DNS records for up to 72 hours. This will mean they will continue to connect to the old system which will be offline, rather than the new system.

Whilst we will publish details to outline how visitors can attempt to refresh their DNS cache, whether this has any affect is totally dependant on their ISP and/or hosting provider.

API Connection Issues

A significant issue will be whether hosting providers refresh their DNS caches quickly, as those that don't will cause API connections to fail resulting in failed backups. For any customers affected by this issue, unless their hosting provider is willing to assist by manually refreshing their DNS they will experience failed backups until their DNS cache is correctly refreshed.

IP Address

Our system IP address will be changing, therefore if you have previously white-listed our IP address this will need to be updated to our new IP address:

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this migration process may cause!

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On 5th August 2016, myRepono Team posted:

"Thank you for your comment! We have identified a number of issues since migrating the myRepono system, all of which have been promptly resolved - these include issues with FTP and API connections for some servers. If you are still experiencing any issues please contact support immediately using the 'Contact' section of"

On 5th August 2016, Anonymous posted:

"Hi Support,
Please note that after the migration process our backup is getting failed"

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